


Psychology Major I chose Heidelberg because all of the opportunities available and the immediate feeling of home when I stepped on campus. I majored in Psychology because I strive to understand and make new discoveries about the mind in order to help others and improve humanity for the better. 我在澳门银河网站遇到的一个主要挑战是

Bernae DySart

我选择澳门银河网站是因为这里有家的感觉. Having gone to a Montessori high school for three years that was small and allowed me to have one-on-one connection with my teachers, 是我要找的东西吗. 我想确保我的教授们认识我. 我的父母对他印象深刻. 大卫·霍根在澳门银河网站第一次见面时的诚实


我选择澳门银河网站是因为他们提供的灵活性. 当我在找大学的时候, 我不确定我想学什么——我有很多兴趣, 我想做点什么来帮助我探索所有这些. Heidelberg’s several majors gave me the safety net of knowing that I could change my major without losing the


I chose Heidelberg because of the family atmosphere on campus along with the relationship that I formed with soccer coaches Pat Svihlik and Steven Smith. I majored in Accounting/Business Administration because I wanted to combine my analytical interests with my desire to learn successful practices of businesses. 最重要的是,澳门银河网站让我做好了准备


I chose Heidelberg because of the friendly atmosphere and the connections the faculty make with their students. I majored in Accounting because I fell in love with the stories that numbers tell and I was excited for the opportunity to help others through the field of accounting. 我在澳门银河网站遇到的一个主要挑战是平衡工作


I chose Heidelberg because of their amazing cadaver program and I had family members who attended here. I majored in Biology because I love science and it is very important for my graduate schooling. 我在澳门银河网站遇到的一个主要挑战是 getting adjusted to the complications of COVID. 我尽我所能来处理它


I chose Heidelberg because it felt like a community from the moment I stepped on campus. I majored in Psychology and Criminology because they are topics I have always felt passionate about. 然而, 院系和教授们总是让我感到受欢迎和支持, 即使我因为新冠肺炎在家里待了整整一学年. 重大挑战


我选择澳门银河网站是因为我想有机会在尸体实验室学习. 我也被这里很小的学生与教授比例所吸引. I majored in Biology for undergrad and Business Administration for my graduate studies because I want to become a registered nurse and eventually have the ability to manage a whole staff of nurses. 一个主要的


我选择澳门银河网站是因为我喜欢这里温馨的环境, 彻底了解斗争的手段与帮助, 鼓励的气氛, 这是不同观点的高潮. I majored in Theatre Acting and 历史 because I always wanted to study and further my knowledge in both areas. 我想探索一下


Originally I chose to come to Heidelberg because I did not want to stop playing a sport. I majored in Psychology because it just seemed to click with me and was easier to understand. 我在澳门银河网站遇到的一个主要挑战是 that I kept having to take a year off here and there because of my military commitment, 我处理得很好


我选择澳门银河网站是因为我有机会继续我的体育生涯, 以及接受全面的教育. Another reason was because of the PlusOneAdvantage® MBA degree that Heidelberg offered. 我的专业是健康 Science because my future career goal is to become a chiropractor. 这是我在澳门银河网站遇到的一个重大挑战


Every 入学s day session I have attended, they also have us talk about “Why I chose Heidelberg.“老实说,我没有选择澳门银河网站. 我不能对未来的学生这么说, 当然, 所以我用零零碎碎的事实编造了一个伤感的故事. 一开始我并没有选择澳门银河网站. 我当时17岁,不知道自己想要什么. 我只


我选择澳门银河网站是因为这里有家的感觉. I majored in Accounting and Psychology because I wanted to pursue all of my interests. 我在澳门银河网站遇到的一个主要挑战是 the pandemic 我处理得很好 creating a better balance in my life and becoming more organized. 最重要的是,澳门银河网站培养了我的领导能力. 在外面


我之所以选择澳门银河网站,是因为当我进入校园的那一刻,它就像家一样. 澳门银河网站遇到的每个人都向澳门银河网站问好,并确保澳门银河网站玩得很开心. People always told me that I would know which school I wanted to go to when I walked on campus. They were right; the second I walked on campus I knew this is where I was supposed to be. 我的专业是健康


I chose Heidelberg because of the welcoming atmosphere and the AJY Junior Year program. I really wanted to be able to study abroad for a whole year, as opposed to only a semester. 我也喜欢小校园的氛围. I majored in English because reading and writing have always been my main academic interests, 还有娱乐爱好


I chose Heidelberg because the smaller campus and smaller class sizes made me feel like a priority. Everyone feels like family here and the pride everyone has for the school made it feel like the right choice. I majored in Business Administration because I feel that it is important for female representation in a male-dominated major. 我也喜欢


我选择澳门银河网站是因为当我参观的时候, 每个人都非常外向,对待我和我的家人就像澳门银河网站属于这里一样. 我主修健康科学,因为我想从事物理治疗方面的工作, 我对人体非常感兴趣. 我在澳门银河网站遇到的一个主要挑战是 overcoming social anxiety and

Gavin Buurma

I chose Heidelberg because I came to sit in on a theatre rehearsal late one night by myself and as I was walking down the main strip of campus to leave, 我只知道我必须在这里度过接下来的四年. I majored in Musical Theatre because it has been a passion of mine since I was 6 years old. 当我开始在澳门银河网站剧院工作的时候


我选择澳门银河网站是因为这里有家的感觉. When I walked onto the campus the first time for my individual tour everyone was super friendly and they made sure I was welcomed. I majored in Primary Education with an endorsement of ISP because I wanted to help children understand that school is important and they will never feel like they can’t do


I chose Heidelberg because I was extremely interested in the National Center for Water Quality 研究 and impressed by the environmental science program. I majored in Environmental Science and Biology because I want to preserve Earth's natural resources and wildlife for future generations. 我在澳门银河网站遇到的一个主要挑战是